Saturday, September 15, 2007

Distance-I love mah sis

Together from that very moment we were created.. 2 eggs rolling around this secure world, and it continued. With her, life has felt like a rollar coaster.. we shared energy. We fought so much.
Suddenly I am distant.
Finally everything feels right and appropriate. Darn it! It should have been this way all along! Am I the older one just coz I got to c the world 1 minute more??? I see her NEW world, Ooh gosh its sooo cool, Im sooo soo excited for her!
Ah but ofcourse, and so became the 'risk taker', the one who rebels.. who taught and tried everything before she trots in to "check" it out.. Oh I love my dear sis- you smarty pants.
When i was exploring x y x a dv c s..... there she was silently watching & doing her own thing, alone. Was she waiting for me to pick up the phone and talk to her??
So at ease with her solitude, her sole existance.. It gotta be genetic, she nailed it at birth! And through my journey I see every one around me struggling to get there... *sigh*
I'm finally nailing it . Whew!
I have a huge happy grin, large 'saucer' eyes welled with salty h2o and endless memories as I begin to..... zzz..

My love to you always