Thursday, August 16, 2007

To Jacob

Stout, warm, strong, muscular,funny, blonde, cute.. for some odd reason his face flashed through my sub-conscious mind approx 2-3 weeks ago as I was trying hard to recollect his name. Now as I look back, was my mind trying to tell me something??
I finally saw just his name, Jake as he was called affectionately,only pictures and the scent of lavender oil burning next to them with a note 'his last breath was 2 weeks ago'
Since 2000, we've danced here and there through classes, Cornish, workshops.. and one day I stopped seeing him in class. I always remembered him. Its funny how some people create an impact in some odd way in your life. I would never want anyone so young get cursed with diebetes,,,
In loving memory, Dear Jake-whereever you might be, I believe you are happiest there....

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